Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Transferred to the Vallée (du Tir) - the Weekly Email

So, everyone can stop holding their breath, I've finally been transferred! After only 9 months in Ouemo, I've been transferred to Vallée du Tir where I'll be serving as a Zone Leader for the South Zone of New Caledonia. And my new companion is............. ELDER KESSLER! We already spent 3 transfers together in the office, but we get along great and he's super awesome. We've actually whitewashed into the area, but we have one of the old Elders staying with us until his companion arrives from the MTC, so that's helped make the transition easier. Plus Elder Kessler was serving as a Zone Leader in the North before the transfer, so he knows what's up a little. I think this'll be a fun experience though.
The past week has basically just been transfer craziness. This new area has some great investigators. There's one member house where two investigator couples are living and we're teaching. We just set a marriage and baptismal date with one couple yesterday, so stuff is happening really quick here, which is great. The area is actually kind of small, but there's a lot of investigators though. Lot's of fun new experiences though! Including driving a manual now. I practiced a little with my Dad before I left, but this is a little different. Pray for me.
I want to testify quickly of God's grace. He truly will support us as we look to him and seek his help and lifting, guiding hand. And He loves each and every one of you.    
Tata bisous,
Elder Miner 

The view from the new apartment

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

La Dengue La Dengue - the weekly email

So, not wanting to scare anyone, but there's a bit of a Dengue Fever epidemic here and in Vanuatu. Here at least there's been a couple of deaths, and we're taking a lot of precautions as a mission to protect us missionaries from mosquito bites, since Dengue is pretty nasty. So far no missionaries here have gotten sick, but around 10 in Vanuatu have.
In other news, we recently started teaching another inactive member named Philippe, he went inactive last year around the time I came here to Ouemo. He has a strong testimony, but there's just some things keeping him from full activity, he has lots of questions, but I think we can help him with that. Maeva and Gabriel are progressing as well, last night we challenged them to set a marriage date, we'll see how that goes, but lessons with them are always amazing. 
That about sums it up for this week, transfer news comes in this weekend, I'll keep you all posted on where I end up!
Love you all, gros bisoux!
Elder Miner

Found some jungle literally 20 steps off a road.

I love the weird ocean-mountain landscapes here.

This Hibiscus is seriously as big as my face. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Happy Valent, I mean ZONE CONFERENCE! - The weekly email

Hello everyone, yes indeed we had zone conference the past two days, and they were great! One of the biggest things that happened was the changes in missionary schedule, I'm sure most of you have already heard about this by now, but it can take a little while to get things out here, we had to wait until we could download the broadcast because of spotty internet in parts of the mission. Anyways, there was another great worldwide training meeting for missionaries held at the beginning of the year, which included changes in the daily schedule for missionaries. One of the biggest changes for us here includes planning in the mornings instead of evenings, leaving the apartment at 9 AM and then taking studies whenever fits best during the day, and a changed p-day schedule. Pretty sweet. I also got to participate in an MLC, and we discussed a lot about how to be an effective mission leader, and I learned and felt a lot, now it's all about doing as President is fond of saying.
We also had a baptism this past weekend, sorry no photos, but it was amazing. Her name was Gisele, and she basically found the church herself and walked into the font. Her testimony was amazing, and her path to find the church stretches all the way to Vanuatu. Missionaires, you never know who is looking at your namebadge and what influence that could have in the future. Needless to say the Lord can and does do His own work, he just lets us missionaries help. 
I love you all, joyeux jour de Saint-Valentin,
Elder Miner 

Exchange with Elder Gray. Yes that is a real place. 

Zone Conferene happenings

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

I'm Only Happy When It Rains - The Weekly Email

The rainy season here isn't kidding around, it's starting to feel just like last year. It's rained for the past 3 or 4 days, and I wouldn't be surprised if it carried on for a week more. The rain here is great because it keeps the temperature and the bugs down (although the mosquitos come back strong right after rain) but it's a problem sometimes because people don't like going outside in the rain, so contacting gets even harder. But it's ok, we just try and teach lessons inside. 
Otherwise this week has been up and down. We've had some great lessons with Maeva and Gabriel and another investigator named Malia, and we have a member (Frère Babel, I think I've talked about him before) who's decided he wants to come to any appointment of ours that he can. But, on the flip side, contacting has been rough recently, and the rain kinda puts a damper on missionary work sometimes. But it comes and goes. We do have a baptism coming up this weekend, so that's definitely something to look forward too. More details on her next week. I think the best part of being a district leader is getting to do baptismal interviews and hearing people's stories and testimonies. 
We also have zone conference coming up next Monday and Tuesday, so lots of news next week.
Love you all!
Elder Miner

We visited the zoo last p-day as a district. Here's a picture of a cagou and us.  

Can we knock this?

Our flooding parking garage. Not really flooding, but lots of rain nonetheless.