Tuesday, August 15, 2017

You Better Believe it... - The Weekly Letter

So transfers happened! I'm now serving in the Riviere Salee sector, in the North Zone. It's my first time in the North Zone, but I'm still in Noumea, and our sector actually borders my old area... But it's pretty different, I'm on foot now, so hopefully I'll lose a little weight. It's also pretty small, but it's all residential, so there's a lot of potential, and a lot of work to be done. You won't believe who my companion is though................... Elder........................KESSLER! 3rd time now, after this transfer we'll have spent 9 months together, and this is his last transfer, so in the missionary slang I get to "kill" him. Despite this sector's bad reputation, I'm excited to be with Elder Kessler, and we're both experienced missionaries so we're looking to build this sector up. 
I think the story of this last week will be best told in pictures, and since it's been a while since I've sent some, I'll just let them speak for themselves. 
Love you all!
Elder Miner

Last Ducos District Meeting

A member gave us a huge dinner, so we took it on top of the cell tower in our sector that overlooks all of Noumea at night, it was way cool. 


This was my old apartment in 6em, sorry for the mess, I realized I had never taken pictures of that house, and I was leaving that day and working on moving out.

Last Pictures with Marie-Rose and Kena

Last picture with Elder Scroggin

First picture of my new sector

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Golden Dreadlocks - The Weekly Letter

So, a long while ago we found a potential investigator while contacting named Sonia. Sonia is super cool, she has long dreadlocks and is from Houilou (pronounced Why-Loo), a city in the North. She was excited to talk, but when we tried to call her back it was a wrong number, so we forgot about it until about a month later we ran into her by accident, got a new phone number and set up an appointment. That first appointment was about a month ago and we taught the Restoration. It went super well, then just last Saturday we had our second appointment and we invited them to a musical fireside being put on by the Magenta ward that we had also been invited to participate in. It was super spiritual, and they wanted to come so bad that they WALKED what normally takes us at least 10 minutes to drive. Just yesterday we had another lesson and we talked about the Plan of Salvation, and she accepted a baptismal invitation. We haven't set a date yet, maybe this weekend...
Hopefully we'll still be around to keep teaching her, since transfers are coming up this week, we'll get the news Friday, probably make most of the changes on Monday, so we'll see what that brings. 
We also had zone conference over the past week, it was solid, I had a great interview with President. This past month of miracles we had 250 baptisms across the whole mission, giving us 675 total for the year. Pretty crazy stuff, and very close to our goal for the year of 1017. I'd love to see us hit the goal before I go home. I can't believe I only have about 3 months left... 
Guess that means I really will see you all really soon, having only two transfers left has really hit me that I don't have much time left, but I plan to do the best I can to bring the most people possible closer to Christ before I leave here. 
Love you all!
Elder Miner

South Zone at Zone Conference

Tumoana and Sasaou, so you can put some faces to the names I use in emails.