Sunday, March 6, 2016

Weekly EMAIL!!!

So, it's been a crazy week here in New Caledonia, I'll try and start from the beginning.
I had my first exchange on Wednesday and Thursday with one of our zone leaders, Elder Similai, from American Samoa. He's been here for over a year, and I learned a LOT about how to work with members. He's also super friendly and people love talking to him, so I hope I can continue to learn from him about how to contact poeple. It was a great experience.
We also contacted two old investigators this week and started teaching them again. One is Alice, along now with her boyfriend Nicola, and they're both pretty strong Protestants, but I hope they will get baptized, we just need to help them see the importance. The other investigator is Londsday. She has a super strong testimony and knows everything about the Gospel, she just has to get married, and that can take a long time here because of the culture. She was challenged to get married last year, and will be getting married in June, and so hopefully after she can get baptized. I'm not sure why the old missionaries stopped teaching her, but she's great.
We also began teaching a part-member family. The sister has been inactive for a while, and her oldest daughter has been baptized, but not her other three kids, nor her boyfriend, but our lessons with them have gone great, we just need to get them to church. 
I want to take a second to talk about our assistant DMP, Ben. He's an older gentleman who was a convert to the church, and he is absolutely awesome. He's always willing to go out with us, and he has a super strong testimony that he's not afraid to share. He talks matter-of-factly about the Gospel, but he does it with the Spirit, so it works great. He also is super generous, he takes food to some of the squats (semi-legal, self-built houses scattered around our area) and pays for it himself, every weekend. Super amazing guy.
We also had an open house for the members to bring their friends to this weekend. We had three members each teach part of the Restoration to the investigators while the missionaries trained the members in how to invite their friends and share the Gospel naturally. We almost didn't have any investigators, but at the last minute some showed up, and it went really well. 
Final cool story, yesterday a man came to the church and none of the missionaries knew him. Turns out he had found an old (I'm talking dirty, water-logged, dirty, ripped and torn) pamphlet that said there was church at our building at 8 o'clock, so he came and said he wants to get baptized, and he's in our area! Crazy miracles happen to missionaries.
Well, that's all for this week, see you all real soon.
Elder Miner is out!

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