Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Why did the chicken cross the road? I'm still not sure, and I actually saw it happen... - the weekly email

So, fun story there, we were leaving the neighborhood of one of our recent converts, and I looked down a cross road at a stop sign, and voila. Chicken, crossing the road. That's Mont Dore for you. 
Bonjour tout le monde,
Sadly, this week hasn't been super special or crazy or anything. We had a couple of off days where we didn't have any lessons, which is super rare for Mont-Dore, but it got better as we hit the weekend when more people are free. Monday night was also awesome, we had a big combined family home evening with three families in the ward and two investigators. Some young men from two of the families taught a lesson on repentance, and we taught a lesson on the "keys" to the temple. From Sunday to today has been pretty crazy too, just with lots and lots of lessons.
Since I've got some time, I want to talk about a couple of our investigators. The first is Xavier. He's 17, and totally totally ready for the Gospel. His whole family that he lives with, Dad, step-mom, brother, and sister, are baptized, and all he's waiting on is the permission of his birth mom. He's a super sharp, super cool guy, and if you could send some prayers his way, that would rock. He's been watching a bunch of people get baptized who became investigators after him, and that's been really hard for him. We're also working with the Tematahotoa family. They've been inactive and we're not sure why, but Brother Tematahotoa is so loving, he gives us a huge hug whenever we come over, and they've been sealed, but they're fairly new in the Gospel, so again, some prayers if you can. 
Hope all is well for everyone at home, remember, prayer is real and powerful. If you need help or advice, talk to your Heavenly Father. Just like your earthly Dad, he wants the best for you and loves to hear from you.
I love you all! Tal toule!
Elder Miner 

That big family home evening

Second half of the big family home evening

Members here are super nice, this here is Frankie. He's basically over all the church building here in New Caledonia, and he was at the chapel during our District meeting, and decided to bring us lunch. 

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