Wednesday, August 10, 2016

6 Little Baby Missionaries - the weekly email

So, the most eventful thing probably this past week was us being able to get the 6 new missionaries who have arrived in New Caledonia. 3 American Sisters, 1 American Elder, and 2 Tahitian Elders. Three of them are being trained in the Mont Dore ward, one for each sector there. They seem fantastic, and I'm excited to get to know them better and I know they'll add a lot to the mission. 
Other than that we did have some lessons with Ana, she's working and fighting amazingly hard to overcome her difficulties with the Word of Wisdom, and she's already come so far. I can't go into details too much, but she is doing amazingly well. We did have to push her baptismal date back to the 10th of September, but hopefully now she and her kids can all get baptized together. We were able to give her a blessing and we've had some other lessons with her, and every single one is amazing. She just seems to know what she needs to do next to come closer to Christ without us telling her anything. Investigators like her make this all worth it. 
We also have been having lessons with an investigator named Thomas. He has lots and lots of questions, and answering them is so fun, but also difficult. Last time we ranged from the pre-earth life to Solomon and Cain and Abel, with other questions inside those subjects, wow. Great though, helps us answer his true needs.
I'm loving this work, I never want my mission to end. Sure there are things and people I miss back home, but I sometimes wish I could be here forever. 
Love you all, keep being amazing,
Elder Miner

I bought a pareo and a nat. Islander status acheived?

We deep fried a chicken. Why do we have a deep fryer? Why did we have a whole chicken? Not important. 

*There must be a story behind this one.

Les Tours de Magenta, we spend a lot of time there, and there are a lot of people there. Sometimes they can be pretty too. 

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