Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Do I really have to go? - The Weekly Email

Remember how last week I said I was ready to leave? I think I lied. We've been very blesed over these past couple of weeks with lots of appointments and new people to teach, and every time we set a new appointment for next week, I think, "oh man, that's my last week...." and it hurts my heart to have to leave these people, knowing that I won't be able to continue to get to know them and help them progress in the Gospel. The thing is, I love people as soon as I meet them here more often than not. That's the thing about missionary work, it binds you to people like nothing else. And a place. A wonderful island place.
So speaking of lots of new people, I want to talk about a few. First off, Louca and his family. Louca plays on an American Football team here with a bunch of members (I'm not kidding, real American Football!). He was drawn by their example, and has come to church for the past six weeks now, including a session of General Conference. He and his wife have been looking to find God, feeling disillusioned with the Catholic church they were raised in, both of them being from Wallis. We were able to have a Family Home Evening with them last Thursday at a member's house from the team, and we taught them the Restoration. They're basically ready to be baptized, in Louca's own words, he wants to join the church where "he feels good" and he feels good here. We also taught a young guy yesterday named David who recently came here from France. We talked and he said that he basically has no idea what to do with his life, doesn't know where he's going, and wants to do more than just "get a job, retire, and die." Well, the Plan of Salvation has answers. What I've been learning more and more over the past couple of weeks, the Gospel and the Church of Jesus Christ have an answer for anything and everything in life. It may not always seem related, but answers are there.
I love you all, one email left!
Elder Miner

Did most of the Mont Dore hike last P-day.

Cool night views from our sector

It's been cloudy and rainy for the past couple of weeks

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